The corruption of Amina Waris and the finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden has shaken the entire conscience of our people to bones. Nothing is worse than a wolf in sheep’s clothing
September 18, 2016 - Written by Berbera Today
A Wolf determined to mask his appearance in order to secure food more easily. Covered in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock deceiving the shepherd by his costume. In the evening he was shut up by the shepherd in the fold; the gate was closed, and the entrance made thoroughly secure. But the shepherd, returning to the fold during the night to obtain meat for the next day, mistakenly caught up the wolf instead of a sheep, and killed him instantly. These days, the immeasurable corruption of these two women is hotspots and talks of the town throughout Somaliland and overseas as well. Wherever there’s corruption opportunity in this government, these two women involves. Corruption is the abuse of public resources or public power for personal gain like Amina Waris and the women she appointed as finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden. Nothing is worse than a wolf in sheep’s clothing and an empty sack cannot stand upright. Somaliland is small country with limited resources but this limited resources is looted by the first lady, Amina Waris and the women she appointed as finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden being two in one. As there is no law to protect us from the looters like Amina Waris and her close friend the finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden, these two women have the licence to loot the small revenue collected from our poor tax payers.
The corruption of these two women has become a part of life. Corruption, nepotism dishonesty, social injustices, discrimination, favouritism, tribalism, false propaganda become fabric and social life for these two women. Our ministers are corrupt; our officers are corrupt. The corruption of these two women prevailing at all levels of economic development, social, administrative, moral value and as a result, the images of Somaliland has been defaced beyond redemption. The corruption of these two women has shaken the entire conscience of the country to the bones. Keeping silent the excessive corruption committed by these two women mean supporting crime committed against our deprived people but corruption foreseen mean half avoided. Reliable sources told me that each of the two women have built a number the most luxury villas both in Hargeisa and the coastal city of Berbera. According to reliable sources, the two palaces built by the first lady, Amina Waris is similar to the design of presidential Ismail Omar Geele in Djibouti and recently, it is filmed a farm with full luxury facilitates estimated around one million dollars built by the finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden to north of Hargeisa
Had there is real law enforcement in Somaliland, these two women would have charged for corruption. corruption nepotism, favouritism and bribery are common practise for these two women. The corruption for these two women is the biggest threat to the well-being of our people. The corruption degrades the lives of our people. The corruption of these two women destroy jobs and holds back growth, it is the sources of poverty for our people. The corruption of these two women affects the poorest portion of our society. The corruption of these two women undermines political development, democracy, economic development and many more essential domains to our people wellbeing. The corruption of these two women is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of. Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It’s self-defence. It’s patriotism. The duty of every Somaliland citizen is fight and challenge the corruption of these two women. To remove corruption, we need to eradicate it from the roots which comes from these two women.
True democracy in Somaliland every citizen has the right in the event any government official or someone with political power commit wrongdoing against their country and their people like the situation of Amina Waris and the women she appointed as finance minister, Sam -Sam Aden. The corruption of these two women is not the thing which we are seeing now, but it is already gone deeper and deeper. Corruption discourages people from working together for the common purpose. Corruption is the biggest hindrance and under development in Somaliland. The entire Somaliland people both at home and overseas are agreement that, the role of the elected president is out of sight for unknown reasons and he real political power of Somaliland has fallen into hands of two corrupt tribal mined that share common interest based on tribalism, corruption, nepotism, inequality, discrimination and looting the small resources collected from the poor taxpayers. Somaliland is ruled by two corrupt women (Amina Waris and her right hand, the Finance monster, Sam-Sam Adan). It is true that, birds of a feather flock together.
They have influenced every corrupt personality like them to join their inner circle. These two women are two in one. These two women are leading as the top corrupt personality in the history of Somaliland and their role in Somaliland is typical like the role of Italian mafia in Sicily at the southern tip of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. Birds of a feather flock fly together. Wrong remains wrong even if everyone is doing it and right remain as right even if no one is doing it. The Mafia is a question every time an Italian raises his head and equally in Somaliland. Some of the expressions said by Italian mafia include a man without enemies is a man without qualities and fortune is always on the side of the strong. In short, these two women uses their political power to their benefit which mean typical physical power abuse
Ismail Lugweyne.