Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku Oo Canbaaraysay Xadhiga Laba Siyaasi Oo Xisbiyada Mucaaradka Somaliland Katirsan
May 22, 2017 - Written by Berbera Today

Hargeysa( Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa ay sanad ku xukuntay Yoonis Axmed Yoonis oo ah Xoghayaha Ciyaaraha iyo Dhalinyarada ee Xisbiga Waddani. Waxa maxkamaddu sheegtay inay ku heshay inuu dadka ku kiciyay inay sharciga ka horyimaadeen mar uu ka hadlay shir jaraa’id oo la qabtay 11 April 2017. Maxkamaddu waxaay wax dembi ah ku wayday Maxamed Sidiiq dhame oo ah Gudoomiyaha Garabka Dhalinyarada ee Waddani. Xafiiska Xeer-ilaalinta ayaa ka rafcaan qaatay sii daynta Dhame oo is hortaagay inuu xorriyadiisa dib u helo.

 11 April ayay Booliisku ka xidheen Maxamed Sidiiq Dhame iyo Yoonis Axmed Yoonis meel ku dhow xafiiska uu xisbigoodu ku leeyahay Gobolka Hargeysa halkaas oo ay kaga qayb qaateen shir jaraa’d oo lagu canbaareeyey duminta dayrar guryo ku yaal seked ka mid ah magaalada Hargeysa. Mucaaradku waxaay ku eedeeyeen Dawladda Hoose inay dayrarka u dumisay si ay marin ugu sameeyso hudheel ay sheegeen inay leedahay Marwadda Kowaad. Duqa Hargeysa oo saxaafadda la hadlay wuu beeniyay eedaas oo wuxuu sheegay in ay ahayd shaqo caadi ah oo loogu banaynayay wado dab damiska.

 Labada sarkaal ee xisbiga ka tirsan waxa si wada jir ah loogu eedeeyey “inay sameeyeen kicin in sharciga laga horyimaado.” Halka Dhame si gaar ah loogu eedeeyey inuu war been abuur ah oo la xidhiidha sawir nin sita wax u eeg dharka ciidanka iyo calanka xisbiga talada haya oo uu ku soo bandhigay barta uu ku leeyahay Facebook ga.

 Maxkamaddu waxaay sheegtay in hadalka uu ka yidhi Yoonis shirka jaraa’id uu yahay kicin in sharciga laga horyimaado. Maxkamaddu waxaay ku dhawaaqday in eedaha loo haysto Dhame aanay waxba ka jirin qoraalka uu soo dhigay Facebook guna aanu ahayn been.

 Qodobka 32aad ee Dastuurka wuxuu damaanad qaaday xorriyadda aragti dhiibashada halka qodobka 8aad ee Xeerka Ururada Siyaasadda iyo Ansixinta Xisbiyaddu uu siiyay masuuliyiinta xisbiyada xorriyad ay ku hadlaan.

Xarunta waxaay ka walaacsan tahay xadhiga siyaasiyiinta xilli ay soo dhow dahay doorashada madaxwayne oo mudaysan November.

Xarunta waxaay ugu baaqaysa dawladda Somaliland inay xorriyadooda u soo celiso labada siyaasi.



22 May 2017                                                                                            8/2017

Somaliland: Human Rights Centre condemns imprisonment of opposition politicians


On 21st May 2017, Hargeisa Regional Court sentenced Yonis Ahmed Yonis, the Sports and Youth Secretary of Waddani opposition party, to one year of imprisonment for “instigation to disobey the laws” because of a statement he made at a press conference on 11th April 2017, according to the presiding judge who pronounced the judgment in an open court at Hargeisa. The court acquitted Mohamed Sidiiq Dhamme, the Youth Wing Leader, who was co-accused. But the Office of the Attorney General appealed and blocked his release. Both are now in Hargeisa Central Prison.

On 11th April the police arrested Mohamed Sidiiq Dhame and Yonis Ahmed Yonis near the regional office of Waddani party in Hargeisa where they participated a press conference that denounced demolishment of perimeter fences of houses in one of the streets in the centre of Hargeisa. The opposition blamed the local government of demolishing the fences to make a way for access to a hotel allegedly owned by the First Lady. The mayor of Hargeisa speaking to the media denied the allegations and said the demolitions were routine municipality work intended to give access to the fire brigade.

The two party officials were jointly accused of “instigation to disobey the laws.” Dhame was separately accused of circulation of false news by posting at his Facebook account a picture of a man dressed what looks like a military uniform and the ruling party emblem.   

The court said the statement made by Yonis at the press conference was instigation to disobey the law. The court cleared Dhame of all charges and stated that the Facebook post did not have false contents.

“Article 32 of the constitution of Somaliland guarantee freedom of expression while article 8 of the Political Parties and Associations Act (Law 14/2001) gives protection of free speech to the members of the political parties. We are very concerned of the arrests of politicians in a time a presidential election scheduled on November is approaching,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to release the detained politicians.



Guleid Ahmed Jama

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland, webstie:

Mobile: +252 63 4468227    Email:


Twitter: @GuleidJ      


???All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.??? Article 1 of the UDHR

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