Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay canbaaraynaysaa xadhiga laba muwaadin oo baraha bulshada wax ku qoray
April 19, 2020 - Written by Berbera Today

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxa ay dawladda Somaliland ugu baaqaysaa inay xorriyadooda u soo celiso Maxamed Abiib Yuusuf iyo Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Daahir (oo loo yaqaan Cabdi Duco), kuwaas oo u xidhan qoraallo ay soo dhigeen Facebook ga oo dhaliilay qaabka ay dawladdu uu maaraynayso COVID-19.

14 April 2020, waxa la xidhay Maxamed Abiib Yuusuf oo ah siyaasi ka tirsan xisbiga talada haya, kadib markii uu dhaliil u jeediyay qaabka ay u qaaday talaabooyinka karantiinka ee ay dawladdu qaaday si ay u xakamayso dadka laga helay COVID-19.

16 April 2020, Booliisku wuxuu sidoo kale xidheen Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Daahir oo isna soo dhigay qoraal dhaliil ah oo ku saabsan habka ay dawladdu ula tacaalayso COVID-19.

Maxamed iyo Cabdiraxmaan waxa ay caan ku yihiin inay baraha bulshada ka dhaliilaan dawladda. Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxa ay ka walaacsan tahay in dawladdu u isticmaalayso COVID-19 si ay u aamusiiso dadka iyada dhaliila.

Labaduba waxa ay ku xidhan yihiin Xarunta Dembi Baadhista ee Hargeysa.

Dawladda Somaliland weli kama hadal xadhigan. Haseyeeshee, ilo ay ku kalsoon tahay ayaa u xaqiijiyay Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka inaanu jirin amar garsoore ka soo baxay oo xadhigooda jideeyey.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxa ay walaac ka qabtaa in dawladdu xanibaado ku soo rogtay xorriyadda cabiraadda xiligan lagu jiro COVID-19 oo ay u isticmaalayso cudurkan faafaya inay bartilmaameedsato dadka dawladda dhaliila.

Waxaannu ugu baaqaynaa dawladda inay sii dayso labadan nin ee u xidhan hadal ay ku qoreen baraha bulshada oo ay ogolaato in shacabku xaq u leeyahay inuu dhaliilo talaabooyinka ay dawladda ka qaadayso ama aanay ka qaadin sidii loo xakamayn laha cudurka COVID-19.

Dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu damaanad qaaday xorriyadda hadalk iyo cabiraadda sida ku cad qodobka 32aad ee dastuurka.

Xaruntu waxa ay dawlada ka codsanaysaa inay ixtiraamto xorriyadda cabiraadda oo ay u dulqaadato araahda kala duwan.

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka Somaliland

Mobile: +252 (0)634472011



 Human Rights Centre: Somaliland Government restricts freedom of expression amid COVID-19

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to immediately release Mohamed Abiib Yuusuf and Abdirahmaan Mohamed Dahir (Abdi Duco) who have been arrested on Facebook posts critical to the government’s handling of COVID-19.

On 14th April 2020, Mohamed Abiib Yuusuf, a ruling party politician, was taken into police custody after he criticised the quarantine measures of the government regarding people who tested positive for COVID-19.

On 16th April 2020, the police also arrested Abdirahman Mohamed Dahir (aka Abdi Duco) for a Facebook post which was also critical to the government measures concerning curbing COVID-19.

Mohamed and Abdirahman are known in social media for their criticism of the government on different issues. Human Rights Centre is concerned that the government is using COVID-19 to silence critics.

Both of them are now in the detention facility of the Criminal Investigation Department in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.

The government of Somaliland has not publicly commented on the arrests. Sources confirmed to Human Rights Center that there were no warrants issued by a court for their arrests.

“We are very concerned that the government is restricting freedom of expression amid of COVID-19, and it is using the global pandemic to target critics,” says Yasmin Omar H Mahmoud, The chairperson of Human Rights Center.

“We call on the government of Somaliland to release these to social media users and accept that the people have a right to question the government’s actions or inactions on COVID-19. The government is not immune to criticism because of confirmation of COVID-19 in Somaliland,” she added.

According to article 32 of the Constitution “every citizen shall have the freedom, in accordance with the law, to express his opinions orally, visually, artistically or in writing or in any other way.”

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to immediately release the two citizens arrested for statements they posted on social media platforms and to respect freedom of expression and tolerate different opinions.

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre Somaliland

Mobile: +252 (0)634472011




Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud
Chairperson of Human Rights Centre Somaliland
Mobile: +252 (0)634472011
Human Rights Centre (HRC) is the only local human rights watchdog based in Somaliland. It is registered with the Somaliland government as a non-profit-making, non-governmental organization with its own legal personality.  
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