Emaraadka Oo Soo Dhaweeyay Golaha Iskaashiga Wadamada Badda Cas, Xili Somaliland Ku Gacan Saydhay.
January 9, 2020 - Written by Berbera Today
Hargeysa( iskutaga Emaraadka carabta ayaa soo dhaweeyay golaha wadamada kulaala bada cas iyo gacanka cadmeed oo dhawan shirk u yeeshay magaalada riyaad eedalka sucuudiga kaasi lagaga arinsanay arimaha khusaaya marinka bada cas.
Warka kasoo baxay wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Emaraadka carabta ayaa imanaya xili ay Somaliland oo kamid ah dalal ugu Mihiimsan wadamada kulaala bada cas oo ku gacan saydhay Golahaasi Sucuudigu hormuudka ka yahay iyadoo ay somaliya goob joog ka ahayd balse aan meelna kasoo galin wadamada gacanta ku haya biyo mareenka bada cas.
Dhanka kale shirkada DP WORLD Oo iyadu gacanta ku haysta marsada berbera ee jamhuuriyada somaliland ayaa warmuriyeedka kasoo baxay Emaraadku ka dhigayaa in ay bud dhig utahay go,aanka ay UAE ku taagaareen golaha iskaashiga wadamada bada cas arintan oo dhaawac ku ah mawqifka Somaliland banaankana keentay sida aanay Emaaraadku mudnaan usiinin xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya Somaliland balse ay uhanqal taagayaan maamulka madaxwayne farmaajo oo aan awood ahaan gacanta ku haynin magaalada muqdisho.
UAE Welcomes Establishment Of Council Of Arab And African States Bordering The Red Sea And Gulf Of Aden.
UAE(W,N)-The UAE has welcomed the establishment of the Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, which was announced in Riyadh during a meeting of the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea, Egypt, Yemen, and Jordan.
The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) said in a statement that it commends the establishment of the Council, which comes against the backdrop of various challenges that the region is facing, stressing its continuous support for efforts to enhance prospects for cooperation and coordination between member states.
Furthermore, the Ministry expressed its support for the Council, which aims to strengthen cooperation and joint action and increase the ability of Red Sea states to counter any threats.
The Ministry pointed out that the establishment of the Council in Riyadh solidifies the Kingdom’s leading role in the region and comes within the framework of serving security, political, and economic interests worldwide and securing international maritime navigation in this strategic waterway.