Qaar Ka Mid Ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka Ah Oo Walaac Ka Muujiyay Mudo Dhaafka Doorashada GolayaashaDeegaanada Dalka
July 11, 2019 - Written by admin

Annaga oo ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaan waxaanu si wayn uga walaacsanahay kordhinta mudo xileedka madaxda la doortay iyo dib u dhigista doorashooyinka oo noqday wax si joogto ah u dhaca. Waxaanu walaac ka qabnaa in hogaamiyayaasha siyaasadeed ay ku fashilmeen inay ka heshiiyaan khilaafaadka siyaasadeed.

Kordhinta uu Golaha Guurtidu u kordhiyo madaxda la doortay maaha mid ku dhisan dastuurka Somalialnd waxaayna ka soo horjeedda mabaadida dimoqraadiyadda ee dastuurku waajibiyay. Dib u dhigista doorashooyinku waxaay majo-xaabin ku yihiin geedi socodka dimoqraadiyadeed islamarkaana waxaay muwaadiniinta ka qaadeen xaqa ay u leeyihiin inay si xillile ah ugu codeeyaan.

 Golaha Wakiilada waxa la doortay mudo xileed 5 sanadood ah 2005. Si ka soo horjeedda dastuurka iyo rabitaanka shacabka, waxa ay hada ku jiraan mudo xileedkii sadexaad oo aan la dooran.

 Golaha Guurtida oo ah ka wax kordhiyaa, weligii lama dooran.

 Waxaannu cadaynaynaa sida aanu uga walaacsanahay sharcinimada golayaasha deegaanada Somaliland. Dhamaan 23 ka gole deegaan waxa ka dhacay mudo xileedkii la doortay, hadana weli xilka way hayaan.

 Sida ku cad Xeerka Is-maamulka Gobolada iyo Degmooyinka mudo xileedka golayaasha deegaanadu waa shan sanadood oo keliya. Golayaasha deegaanada ee hada xilka haya oo la doortay 2012 ki waxa xilku ka dhamaaday 2017 balse waxa loo sameeye mudo kordhin. Mudo kordintaas lafteedu waxaay dhacday April 2019. Wax doorasho ah lama qaba, Guurtiduna uma kordhin.

 Waxa qalbi jab ah oo aan sinaba loo aqbali karin in muwaadiniinta reer Somaliland loo diido inay doortaan cidda degmadooda ka madaxda ah. Waa qayral dastuuri waxayna ka soo horjeedda dastuurka.

 Waxaanu qabnaa in maayarada iyo golayaasha deegaanadu aanay ku fadhiyin sharci islamrkaana uu ka dhamaaday mudadii xilkoodu xalaasha ahaa.

Sidaadsarteed waxaannu ugu baaqayaa Dawladda Somaliland:

  • Inay doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanada iyo baarlamaanka qabato sanadkan gudihiiisa;
  • In maayarada iyo golayaasha deegaanadu ay baneeyaan xafiisyada oo ay si ku meel gaadh ah ugu wareejiyaan xilka xoghayaasha fulint si ay u sii hayaan inta doorasho laga qabanayo sida Xeerka Is-maamulka Gobolada iyo Degmooyinku sheegayo;
  • Inay joojiso kordhinta la caadaystay oo ay ku qabato doorashooyinka xiligooda sida uu waajibyay qaanuunka dalka u yaal.

Ururada Saxeexay:

Ururadan oo ka shaqeeya dhamaan gobolada Somaliland ayaa saxeexay baaqan:

  1. Human Rights Centre Somaliland
  2. Centre for Policy Analysis
  3. COMPAD Human Rights and Community Organization
  4. Centre for Youth Empowerment
  5. Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization (SOYVO)
  6. Rural Livelihood and Development Organization
  7. Hirad Development Organization
  8. Handhis
  9. Somaliland Street Children Safety Organization;
  10. Ayaan Welfare and Humanitarian Organization
  11. Hope Development.


Wixii faah-faahin ah kala xidhiidh:

Independent Civil Society Organisations (ICSO)


Twitter: @ISCOSomaliland

Somaliland: Independent Civil Society Organizations express concern over the extension of terms and postponement of elections

We, the under signed Independent Civil Society Organisations, do hereby express deep regret over the continuous extensions of terms and the failure of the political leaders to reach break through. The Guurti’s recurrent extensions of terms for elected office holders are not based on the constitution and are in violation of the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution of Somaliland. Election delays undermine the democratisation process and deprive citizens the right to cast votes in period elections.

The members of the House of Representatives, the main law-making bod of the country, were elected in 2005 for one term of five years. Contrary to the constitution and the will of the people, they are now serving third consecutive terms.

The Guurti (the Upper House of the Parliament), which extends expired terms, was never elected.

 We express discontent and concern over the mandate and legitimacy of the local councils in Somaliland. The terms of all local councils of the 23 electoral districts have expired. But they remain in office unconstitutionally.

According to the Regions and Districts Self-administration Act, the tenure of the local councils is five years. Elected in 2012, the term of the current local councils lapsed on December 2017, but they have received an “extension” from the Guurti (the Upper House of the Parliament). The “extended term” expired on April 2019. No election was held, and the Guurti has not extended again their term.

Local councils elect mayors who run districts. It is a disheartening and utterly unacceptable the citizens of Somaliland to be rejected to elect their district representatives. It is undemocratic and unconstitutional.

We do believe that the mayors and their councils have neither mandate nor legitimacy to rule.

Therefore, we call on the government of Somaliland:

  • To hold local councils and parliamentary elections in this year;
  • Mayors and local councils to vacate office and hand over power to executive secretaries as care takers to transition to election as required by the Regions and Districts Self-administration Act;
  • To stop recurrent extensions of terms of office holders and hold period elections as required by the laws of the country.


The following signatories operate in all regions of Somaliland:

  1. Human Rights Centre Somaliland
  2. Centre for Policy Analysis
  3. COMPAD Human Rights and Community Organization
  4. Centre for Youth Empowerment
  5. Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization (SOYVO)
  6. Rural Livelihood and Development Organization
  7. Hirad Development Organization
  8. Handhis
  9. Somaliland Street Children Safety Organization;
  10. Ayaan Welfare and Humanitarian Organization
  11. Hope Development.



Independent Civil Society Organisations (ICSO)


Twitter: @ISCOSomaliland

The Independent Civil Society Organisations (ICSO) is a loose coalition of a growing number of civil society organizations united for the purpose of protecting democracy and free space.

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