War-saxaafadeed Ururada Madaxa-baan Oo War-saxaafadeed Kasoo Saaray Muranka Gudida Doorashooyinka
November 16, 2019 - Written by Berbera Today


Ururada madaxa-baan oo war-saxaafadeed ka soo saaray muranka gudida doorashooyinka

Is-bahaysiga Ururada Madaxa-banaan ee Somaliland (ISCO Somaliland) waxaay si dhow ula socotay geediga doorashooyinka Somaliland ee looga gol lahaa in la qabto doorashooyinka baarlamaanka iyo deegaanka ee dib u dhaca badani ku yimi, gaar ahaan dadaalada ay xisbiyada siyaasadeed ugu jireen inay ka gaadhaan heshiis khilaafka ka dhashay Gudida Doorashooyinka si loo bilaabo diyaar-garawga doorashooyinka.

 27 July 2019 sadexda xisbi ee Somaliland waxaay ka heshiiyeen muranka jiitamay ee ku saabsanaa xubnaha Gudida Doorashooyinka, heshiiskaas oo shacabka Somaliland ku abuuray rajo iyo yididiilo ay u qaadeen in la soo af-jaro dib u dhaca qayral dasstuuriga ah ee su’aasha geliyay dimoqraadiyadda Somaliland.

 Kadib markii Guurtida iyo xisbiayda mucaaradka ahi ay soo magacawdeen xubnohoodii, Madaxawynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland wuxuu u gudbiyay Golaha Wakiilada todobada xubnood si ay u ansixiyaan. Nasiibdarro, xisbiga Waddani wuxuu ku dhawaaqay inaanu ku faraxsanayn laba ka mid ah sadexda xubnood ee uu magacaabay madaxwaynuhu. Wuxuu ku dooday Waddani in Cabdirashiid Maxamuud Cali (Riyo-raac) aanu buuxin shuruudaha sharcigu u dhigay, halka uu ku dooday in Kaltuun Xasan Cabdi ay ka mid ahayd xubnihii hore ee Waddani ka cawday. Xisbiga UCID wuxuu ku raacsan yahay Waddani diidmada ka dhanka ah Cabdirashiid Riyo-raac.

 Xisbiga Waddani wuxuu la noqday xubintii uu soo magacaabay. 12kii November ayuu Golaha Wakiiladu ansixiyay lix xubnood oo uu ka mid yahay kuwii mucaaradku diiday. Labada xisbi ee mucaaradka ahi waxay sheegeen inaanay ka qayb noqon doonin doorashada inta Cabdirashiid Riyo-raac ka mid yahay Gudida Doorashooyinka.

 Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaani markay derseen ee ay kormeer joogto ah ku sameeyeen arimaha doorashooyinka, waxaay iskugu yimaadeen shir 16 November 2019. ISCO Somaliland waxaay si wayn uga walaacsan tahay halka ay marayso dimoqraadiyadda Somaliland. Dastuur ahaan waa dimoqraadi Somaliland, balse waxaay jebisay dastuurkeedii. Waxaanu si aad iyo aad ah uga xunahay in Somaliland ku guuldaraysatay inay qabato doorashooyinka Golaha Guurtida oo joogay tan iyo 1997, Golaha Wakiilada (tan iyo 2005) iyo Golayaasha Deegaanada (tan iyo 2012). Si dimoqraadiyadu u jirto, ISCO waxaay aaminsan tahay in doorashooyinka lagu qabto xiligooda. Dal iska indho tira isku xukunka sharciga, aan tixgelin siin qanuunka doorashooyinka, islamarkaana ka hor-istaago shacabku inuu doorto hogaankiisa, laguma tilmaami karo dimoqraadi.

 ISCO Somaliland waxaay soo jeedisay talooyinka soo socda:

Xisbiyada mucaaradka 

ü Inay ka go’naato inay ka qayb-galaan doorashooyin lagu qabto xiligooda oo ay u muujiyaan rabitaan in kor loo qaado qiyamka dimoqraadiyadeed.

Madaxwaynaha Somaliland iyo xisbiga talada haya

ü Inay ixtiraamaan dasatuurka iyo isku xukunka sharciga;

ü Inay ixtiraamaan baahida shacabka u qabo inay codeeyaan si ay u helaan cid cusub oo ku metesha Baarlamaanka iyo golayaasha deegaanada;

ü Inay wax ka qabtaan cabashooyinka mucaaradku ka qabo Gudida Doorashooyinka;

ü  Inay la yimaadeen hab feker cusub oo hal abuur leh oo mudnaanta siinaya in la qabto doorashooyinka raagay si loo af jaro dib u dhaca doorashooyinka iyo mudo kordhimaha la caadaystay iyo in la badbaaadiyo dimoqraadiyadda dalka.

 Bulshada rayidka ah

ü Inay ka ciyaaraan door firfircoon geedi socodka dimoqraadiyada iyo inay xisaabiyaan madaxda. Bulshada rayidka ahi waa inay la saftaan xuquuqda aasaasiga ah ee shacabku u leeyihiin inay codeeyeen iyo inay ka qayb qaataan si loo ilaaliyo mabaadida dimoqraadiga ah iyo in la ilaaliyo dastuurka.

Talo ku socota xubnaha lagu muransan yahay ee Gudida

Ujeedada Gudida Qaran ee Doorashooyinku waa inay u garnaqaan murashixiinta. Hadii xisbiyada mucaaradka oo ah cidii aad u qaban lahaydeen doorashadu aanay rabin oo aanay kalsooni ku qabin garsoorkiina, waxa haboon oo aanu ku talinaynaa inaad taas ixtiraamtaan oo aad iska casishaan xilka la idiin magacaabay.

Baarlamaanka Somaliland

ü Ixtiraama isku xukunka sharciga iyo dastuurka;

ü Ixtiraama dadka idin doortay 2005 oo taageera dadaalka loogu jiro in la helo xubno cusub.

ü Inaad iska fadhidaan kuraasta baarlamaanka iyada oo aan doorasho dhicin waxaay ka soo horjeedda dastuurka, waxaayna su’aal gelinaysaa dimoqraadiyadda Somaliland iyo sharcinimada hay’adaha dalka.

ü Waxaanu kula talinaynaa xubnaha Baarlamaanka inay ixtiraamaan dimoqraadiyadda oo ay baneeyaan kuraasta.

ü Golaha Guurtid waa inaanay samayn kordhin cusub.

Golayaasha deegaanada

ü Ixtiraama isku xukunka sharciga;

ü Xilkii la idiin doortay wuu dhacay, mana jirto korodhsiimo la idin siiyay. Faldan ixtiraama shacabkii idin doortay shanta sanadood oo ka bilaabmayay sanadkii 2012.

ü  Baneeya kuraasta oo xilka ku wareejiya xogahayayaasha fulinta.

 Xubnaha ISO Somaliland


1. Centre for Policy Analysis

2. Centre for Youth Empowerment,

3. COMPAD Human Rights and Community Organization

4. Garsoor Social Development organization

5. Horseed Organization

6. Hope Development organization

7. Human Rights Centre

8. Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization (SOYVO)

9. Somaliland Street Children Rehabilitation Centre

10. Somaliland Women Association (SOWA)

11. Somaliland Women Development Centre (SOWOD)

12. Voice for Somaliland Women Minority Organization (VOSOMWO)

13. Hodan Women Relief Organization


Wixii faah-faahin ah kala xidhiidh:

Maria Abdilahi Gahayr

Phone: +252 634777044


Twitter: @ISCOSomliland

 16th November 2019

Press statement   

 ISCO Statement on the Political Parties’ Dispute Over NEC

The Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organizations (ISCO Somaliland) has been following closely the Somaliland’s electoral process aimed to hold the long overdue elections of the Parliament and local councilors, particularly, the political parties’ efforts to reach a common agreement about their differences over the National Electoral Commission, which has been the main challenge to commence the preparation of the elections.

27 July 2019, the three political parties reached an agreement on the prolonged dispute over the composition of the National Electoral Commission, which created a hope for the people of Somaliland and raised expectations in ending the unconstitutional election postponements which question Somaliland’s democratic credentials.

After receiving nominations from the Guurti (2 members) and the opposition parties (2 members), the President nominated three members and submitted the seven nominees to the House of Representatives for approval. Unfortunately, WADDANI, an opposition party, announced that they are not happy with two out of the three members nominated by the president, arguing that Abdirashid Mohamoud Ali (aka Riyoraac) does not fulfil the requirement set out in the Election Law (Law No. 20/2001), which prohibits a member of a party to be appointed to the electoral body. Additionally, WADDANI opposes Kaltun Hassan Abdi, arguing that she is a member of the current Commission which WADDANI does not trust. UCID, the other opposition party, agrees with WADDANI in its rejection of Abdirashid.

As a result of its new complaint, WADDANI withdrew its nominated member and insisted on their position.   On 12th November, the House of Representatives approves six members including those rejected by the opposition parties. Both opposition parties, UCID and WADDANI, refused to participate in an election presided by the disputed member, Abdirashid.

After election observations and monitoring, the taskforce of ISCO Somaliland discussed on 16th November 2019 the situation. ISCO is very worried about the status of Somaliland’s democracy. Somaliland is a democratic country by the constitution, but practically it violated its constitution. We express our deepest regret that Somaliland failed to hold elections for the Guurti (House of Elders), which has been in office since 1997, the House of Representatives (since 2005) and Local Councilors (since 2012). For democracy to exist, ISCO believes elections must be held on time. A country which ignores rule of law, does not consider its electoral legal process and deprives the people’s representations in the country’s leadership cannot call itself a democratic country.

Following are our recommendations:

To the opposition Parties

ü Come up a full commitment for participating in elections on time and show a willingness to uphold democratic values.

To the president and the Ruling Party

ü Respect the constitution and the rule of law

ü Respect the people’s need to cast their votes to get new representation in the Parliament and local councillors,

ü Address the opposition’s complaints against the electoral commission.

ü Think out of the box and give priority in holding the long-overdue elections to end the frequent election delays and extensions and salvage the country’s democracy.

 To the Civil Society

ü Play an active role in the democratization process and hold leaders into account. Civil society groups should side with the people’s fundamental right to vote, and should actively engage by upholding the democratic principles and protection of constitutionalism.

To the disputed nominated members of the commission

ü The aim of the National Electoral Commission is to adjudicate contenders. If the opposition parties which are your stakeholders do not want and trust your adjudication at all, it is better and recommended to respect them, and withdrew yourself from the assigned responsibility.

To the Parliament

ü Respect the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution.

ü Respect the people who elected you in 2005, and support efforts to get new parliamentarians.

ü Sitting the parliamentary seats without elections is contrary to the constitution questions the democratic credentials of Somaliland and legitimacy of institutions. We recommend to the members of the Parliament to respect the democracy of the country and vacate the parliamentary seats for your own.

ü The Guurti (House of Elders) should refrain from making further extension of terms.

To the local Councilors

ü Respect the Rule of Law

ü Your office term is expired and you have no any extended term. Please respect the people who elected you five years in 2012.

ü Vacate the office and transfer the responsibilities to the local government’s executive secretaries


About ISCO

Independent Civil Society Organizations Coalition (ISCO Somaliland) is a coalition for the independent civil Society organization of Somaliland to cooperate on areas of democracy and civil rights. ISCO Somaliland will always act in accordance for the best interest of democracy and civic space based on the constitutional principles and international standards. ISCO Somaliland is committed to sustaining an independent and vibrant network of civil society actors and groups that are responsive and accountable to the people. ISCO members are based on the six regions of Somaliland.


Members of ISCO


1. Centre for Policy Analysis

2. Centre for Youth Empowerment,

3. COMPAD Human Rights and Community Organization

4. Garsoor Social Development organization

5. Horseed Organization

6. Hope Development organization

7. Human Rights Centre

8. Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization (SOYVO)

9. Somaliland Street Children Rehabilitation Centre

10. Somaliland Women Association (SOWA)

11. Somaliland Women Development Centre (SOWOD)

12. Voice for Somaliland Women Minority Organization (VOSOMWO)

13. Hodan Women Relief Organization

Maria Abdilahi Gahayr

Phone: +252 634777044


Twitter: @ISCOSomliland



ISCO Secretariat

Twitter: @ISCOSomaliand          Facebook: ISCOSomaliland   Website:

The Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organisations is a coalition of civil society organisations dedicated to protecting democracy and open space.  

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